Great news!!!! Congratulations!

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Oh my Gosh Stu, that is A LOT 😍 and huge congratulations.

I shall be very interested to read your Ellis ponderings for sure. I remember viscerally reading American Psycho and I still can't talk about it or say the title out loud, without bile in my mouth. I was 22, pregnant and the grusomeness, I felt it as reality. For years, whenever I saw the book in a charity shop I'd get it and burn in on my bonfire in the back garden while spouting spells of love and compassion and the end of dehumanising women.

Obviously, they didn't help. But I could not be in the same house as that book.

Any author who can write like that. Cause feelings like that. Stay with the reader forever, has my respect.

I don't burn it any more, American Psycho, but I do pray and chant spells to blood moons and bones, for humanity to be kinder and women to be safer.

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